August 14,2010. Beyoumakeupshop's business cards came in today via FedEx and they are very nice. Today marks another small step stone for the shop today =) Thanks to Office Depot & their premade templates! <3 E.L.F. Haul 1 1. Complexion Brush 2. Eyeliner Brush 3. Tweezer - (haven't used it yet, but seems a bit too stiff) 4. Eyelid primer (haven't used it yet, will update) 5. Super glossy gloss 6. *Bronzer/Blush Duo blush & contour, soft bristle (not round, rather angular) strong, soft, yet durable and flexible Both are highly pigmented & soft. Really nice blush color, but be careful when dipping brush in because ...
"Do something that matters" - Seth Godin