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Showing posts from February, 2011
Editor's Favorite & Best Sellers = Samples! Each is $2.01 (shipping/handling) included! Peeling Pack Gel (Peeling pack for your face,similar to Bio're Pore strips, but better because they will get rid of black & white heads, dirt, oil, and dead skin on the surface). They can be apply to anywhere on the face. Smooth Seaweed Pack- At home facial mask. It not smells incredibly good, but after applying to your skin for 10-15 minutes, your skin feels incredibly soft and it minimizes pores! Peeling Day- Water in Pomegranate Facial Scrub. This stuff is wonderful! You see results instantly. Apply a small amount on your face, nose, chin, wherever, and soft scrub, you will see results INSTANTANEOUSLY! I don't think there is a product in the drug stores that is similar like this. Must try!
I was in an office, waiting for the front desk associate to come back to the office so that I can hand her my resume and cover letter- instead of sending them through email or fax, I thought that by showing up will help me to stand out among other candidates. Well, I guess that's one thing that an applicant can do to help him/herself, by showing initiative (unless the company specifically states "please do not call or show up at the office soliciting [ I'm joking about the soliciting part]) "Judge your success By what you had to give up in order to get it. - Dalai Lama  Things, people, and memories pop up every now and then to remind us not to worry about the little things.  Success is much more worth it when you work really hard for it, even if it may come slowly, almost like a turtle.  I guess that is why I tend to have a great amount of respect and admiration for those who have achieve certain levels of success (although this may be bias because we don't...