Dear Beyou's wonderful customers, currently has a different, more creative, and definitely colorful transition than what it used to be. Being HTML and coding illiterate, the current server allows me to bring my creative and visual vision of the shop to life, without the hassles of using Photoshop Dreamweaver and other web design programs, and especially, a designer. I just love it and appreciate it so much. It lets a beginner, an individual like myself, bring the vision of Beyou to you, my customers, family, friends, and supporters. I'm very proud of the visual aspect of it, I've been documenting all the changes it had undergo.
The reason behind the creation of this blog is due to the lack of space for product descriptions on therefore this will serve as the "sister" site. This contains the same "tabs" in the same order as the website, but it will give in depth descriptions and usage for each product. It also serves as a "blog" from me *smiles* to update the progress of the shop, share beauty reads and and other useful information. I hope for it to be a useful tool to some of your beauty needs.
A couple of days ago, it hit me even more that as many people are working to make ends meet, such as my brother and sister with their small businesses, I am so fortunate. Everyone across the United States- goodness, not to mention the rest of the world, who are in much worst situations than we are. The economic state we all face, especially those with children to fee, college education tuitions to take care of, we all cutback here and there. It really saddens me when I walk by small businesses, businesses that have been here for many years, run by older folks-not having enough customers, not brining in enough enough to pay their bills .
I am so lucky to be fulfilling one of my aspirations in life, running a small business of my own online, not having to worry about the property bill for the business at the end of the month like many others, I really enjoy what I do. Waking up in the morning, I look foward to redesigning the shop, finding different templates and fonts for the blog, etc... reading beauty related "things." Even with the limited financial budget I am under, I am so very lucky to have my family, especially my mother, being part of my ventures. "Start small, WORK HARD," says my mother, and that is exactly what I will be doing. For businesses, customers are our LIVES. Without you, there is no us (I sound like a telemarketer/salesman).
I thank you so verymuch to all of my customers who have ever purchased a product or the Peeling Pack glue from the Beyoushop. I can not tell you how grateful and appreciative I am- I am going to work harder, much harder, to build better relationships with you and to give you all that I would like to have in any shopping experience. I would not want to promise anything I believe I cannot deliver-but I will darn sure put my all in. Beyou is very open to new ideas, if you'd like to see a product in the shop, ideas on how to improve the website, blog, -and ESPECIALLY, if you've purchased a product, please let us know how it worked for you, what did you think of our service? We'd love to hear your feedbacks so that we can improve ourselves.
Thank you so much my wonderful customers.
With much love and appreciation,
Hang T. Do
Creator & Owner
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