Hi everyone,
Spending time with my sister has taught me great patience, I have yet to attain the patience I need. It's difficult because you don't want to keep quiet when the other person is wrong or right, but sometimes you just need to keep your mouth quiet. Although my sister and I may not always get along or agree on the same things, or agree at all, actually, we argue too often and too much (makes my mother insane), but she has taught me that you just have to accept an individual for who she is.She is still amazing, wonderful, funny, and my sister. I know I probably drive her insane too =) Not to mention she gave me lots of new shirts =) & makeup to update on later!
Farewell Waupaca, WI.
It has been a month since I have posted anything. I've been on a mini "vacation" or actually "work vacation" to Waupaca, Wisconson. It has been a nice trip, although there may have been some downs, but overall, I'm very happy with the experience. Did you know Waupaca has 20+ something lakes, connected by channels? The trees are green everywhere, since the weather has been so sporatic, rain, thunder, humidity, sunshine, including storm warnings. The city may be small, but there are many things to do (even if I didn't have time to experience most of them). However, the people here are very receptive and kind and wonderful =)
[I will steal her shoes in the pictures and bring them back to California because they are so comfortable!]
This trip has given me a wonderful gift that will be included in my list of life's suprises. Things happen for no reasons at all, especially when you don't expect them to. I am reminded that our lives, your life, my life, will ALWAYS have problems, but that's the way it is. You can't quit because of those problems, you just do your best to deal with them one at a time, day by day, and cross your fingers things will work out *winks*
[Check out my undeniable lack of fashion sense walking in a park under the rain where we waited for our taxi that never came]
MOMMY, I miss you Hang! I want to come see you!! :)